OKFN Spain has launched the process to create a non-profit association in order to provide administrative support to its activities. OKFN Spain ha lanzado el proceso de creación de una asociación sin ánimo de lucro para dar soporte a sus actividades.
OpenDataMx es un Hackatón de datos abiertos públicos donde en 36 horas se desarrollarán soluciones tecnológicas creativas para resolver las diversas problemáticas de la sociedad civil. OpenDataMx is a public open data hackathon where 36 hours will develop creative technology solutions to solve the various problems of civil society.
OKFN Spain at OKFestival
El grupo OKFN Spain estará en el OKFestival (17-21 Septiembre) en Helsinki, para hacer patente a la comunidad hispana en este festival. The group will be in Spain OKFN OKFestival (17-21 September) in Helsinki, to make clear to the Hispanic community in this festival.
New calendar option
We have launched a calendar to share events relevant for @okfn_spain. Feel free to syndicate. Tenemos un calendario para compartir los eventos relevantes para @okfn_spain. Sindicalo si quieres. https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/okfn.spain%40gmail.com/public/basic
New category
I have added a category Spanish Open News. He añadido la categoría Spanish Open News. For those relevant news which could affect Okfn Spain activities. Para aquellas noticias relevantes o que pudieran afectar a las actividades de Okfn Spain Feel free to suggest posts in the list.. Sugerid lo que queráis en la lista de […]
Configuring site
We are configuring our very first site of okfn group in Spain. Estamos configurando el blog del grupo hispano de OKFN. Please be indulgent. Tened paciencia. Suggestions will be welcomed at okfn.spain en gmail. com. Sugerencias bienvenidas en okfn.spain en gmail. com.
Hola a todos // Hello everybody
Yes, the Spanish group of OKFN, starts to live. For the moment we will hold a general meeting at FCForum at Barcelona in the 25th of October. Yo can get in contact with us in the mailist: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-sp and our twitter will start tweeting very soon. http://twitter.com/okfn_spain